K-6 Children's Ministry

At First Baptist Forney, we want your children to learn about Jesus Christ in a fun, safe, and interactive environment. 

Sunday Schedule

9:15 a.m
Worship Service & LifeGroups* for all ages

Extended Care - Preschool 5 and under

11:00 a.m.
Worship Service & LifeGroups* for all ages

*LifeGroups - Age specific LifeGroups are offered at 9:15 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten - 6th grade will deep dive into scriptural truth at this time. Children of any age are also welcome to attend worship services with their parents. 

Extended Care - Preschool 5 and under

We are so excited to see many more families in our congregation worshipping together with their families.  For those little ones who are 3 years old through 3rd grade, we have Big Church Bags available for you!  Inside the bag contains fun materials for you and your child to have as you attend a church service together as a family. To receive a bag, please ask a Welcome Team member in the First Kids Lobby. 

Wednesday Schedule (SCHOOL YEAR only)



Wednesdays, from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. in rooms D236-237 (during the school year). Now for grades K-6.  Kids Worship ministry opportunities for kids to glorify the name of Jesus through singing, motions, drama, games and more.  

RAs and GAs (Grades K-6)

Both RAs and GAs are mission based organizations where boys and girls can come and learn about missions around the world. They hear about missionaries and the work that they do, as well as pray for them and learn to tell other people about Jesus.

Both ministries meet on Wednesdays at 6:30p. RAs & GAs is for kids in grades K-6th grade. Cubbies meets on Wednesdays for ages 3 - Pre-K. (During the school year.)

Royal Ambassador Battle Pass

Parents, an all-new way to teach and train your Royal Ambassador is here! With the RA Battle Pass, you will guide your young man to complete quests that will teach them and train them to better follow Jesus every day. After completing a quest, parents will submit the completed quest, and your child will earn points. Completing quests will help your child work their way through the battle pass to earn bigger and better rewards. 

Click here to Link to the Landing Page


A fun, fast-paced way for your child to learn and memorize God's Word. Bible Drill is for grades 4-6 and meets in the Forum at 6:30p on Wednesdays. For more information email Jerad White at . (During the school year.)

Click here to register for all First Kids Midweek Activities

parent workshops

This workshop disciples parents in the most foundational decision of Christian parenting: giving your child away to Jesus Christ. This decision is the precursor to raising one’s child in the training and instruction of the Lord. The workshop welcomes parents of children aged birth to high school and is a prerequisite for our Sunday morning parent-child dedication ceremony. During the Dedication Workshop, you will have an opportunity to choose a Worship Service time where you will make the dedication of your child public and be prayed over by the church. If you would like to attend a Dedication Workshop, please click the link below to fill out the form and select which workshop you would like to attend.  Lunch & Childcare will be provided.

2025 Workshops
April 27 - 12:30-2:30 in the Great Hall (There is also a 4th-grade Workshop on this day, both will eat lunch in the Great Hall, and then the 4th-grade Workshop will transition to the Chapel)

2025 Sunday Dedications
March 16 - 9:15 and 11:00 services
May 11 - 9:15 and 11:00 services

Register for April 27, 2025

2025 Midnight Madness

Midnight Madness is for girls and boys in grades 3rd-6th from 5:00 pm to Midnight on Friday, March 21

  • Cost of $40 includes pizza & 2 hours of fun at Urban Air in Rockwall.
  • Girls bring a bag of chips OR pkg of cookies. Boys bring a 2 liter drink.
  • Check in @ 5:00 p.m. in The Mall at First Baptist Forney
  • We will eat pizza upon arrival
  • Load buses @ 8:30 p.m. for Urban Air in Rockwall
  • Return to FBC Forney @ 11:45 p.m. for parents to pick up at MIDNIGHT in The Forum

Click here to register child

click here to sign up to serve

How to Have the Talk Workshop

Don't miss this equipping workshop for all parents of 3rd and 4th graders. The workshop will be April 27, 12:30-2:30 p.m. in the Great Hall. Lunch will be provided. We will discuss the importance of teaching your children to walk in holiness and purity and give you some strategies and resources to use in discussing God's design for sex.

There is not cost to attend and childcare will be provided.

Click here to register

2025 VBX and Summer Camps
VBX: Magnified!

Magnified! VBS, June 8-12 from 6-8:00 p.m., will encourage kids to look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises to us. We can praise God together! We were made to magnify God!

VBX is for kids entering kindergarten through completed grade 6. You do not need to be a member of or attend FBC Forney to come to VBX. Invite our community and your neighborhoods! We also need lots of people to serve. 

Register to attend or to serve below:

Register Here

Camp GAP Preteen Camp

Camp GAP is July 14-18 at Mt. Lebanon. Designed for children who have completed 3rd–6th grade, Camp GAP promotes Biblically-sound, age-appropriate worship and messages. Plus, we offer loads of the best camp activities and games!

Register Campers Here

Champs camp

Champs Camp, July 26-26, is for all children who have completed 1st or 2nd grade as an introducation to what summer camp is all about - worship, biblical based messages, and lots of camp activities! A parent is encouraged to attend. Location is Sabine Creek Ranch in Royce City. Details and registration below:

Register Campers and Parents Here

schools adopted

First Baptist Church Forney has adopted two schools in the Forney ISD. Throughout the year, we will explore creative ways to minister to Griffin Elementary and Smith Intermediate.

Stayed tuned for more opportunities.

Parenting Resources

Hey Kids - God is Holy Booklet
Our children's minister, Jerad White, has translated the God is Holy evangelism tract into a children's version. This is a great resource for sharing the gospel with your children or for your children to share the gospel with their friends! 

Click here to view

Sunday LifeGroup (Sunday school) Resources
If you'd like to know what your Kindergarten-Through-6th Grader is learning in Sunday LifeGroup and Children's Church (K-3rd), look no further than our Recap & Resources! Here, you can see what we are learning each week in class, talking points that relate to our Bible study for the week, prayer points, and even activities for you to do as a family! Everything you need to deepen your child's Bible study at home can be found right here!

Click here for Recap & Resources

"On the Go" Devotions
On the Go devotions are illustration-centered devotions designed for families on the move. Organized by topic, they are easy to teach and apply! If you're looking for some family devotions that are focused on scripture and the biblical principles we can learn from the world around us, look no further!

On the Go Devotions

Parent and Child Dedication Workshops
The Workshop is a time for parents to learn how to actually follow Jesus in every circumstance of every day and disciple children of all ages to do the same.  There is no age limit or expiration date for a parent to dedicate their child(ren) to the Lord and trust that God's will for the life of their child is better than any hopes and dreams we could ever have for them.  We invite parents of preschool, elementary, middle school, and high school children to participate. During the Dedication Workshop, you will have an opportunity to choose a Worship Service time where you will make the dedication of your child public and be prayed over by the church. If you would like to attend a Dedication Workshop, please click the link below to fill out the form below and select which workshop you would like to attend.  Lunch & Childcare will be provided.

Click here for dates and registration

Opportunity to Serve

If you are interested in serving with our Children's Ministry, please complete the form below. You will be contacted soon. To ensure the safety of all children and visitors, First Baptist requires a completed background check on all those who serve. Thank you!

Children's Ministry K-6 Serve Form

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Jerad White is our Minister to Children. You can email Jerad  .





Charmey Buie is our Associate Minister to Children. You can email Charmey .