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First Baptist Church Forney offers a free mobile app for Apple and Android users.

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Weekly Communications

Worship Bulletin and Sermon Notes

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Share Your Faith

God has given ALL believers the responsibility for the Great Commission.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20

Every Christian has the potential to take part and to bear much fruit for God.  Everyone has the potential to witness to others and to disciple them.  How do you do this?

  • Make it a habit to pray for more workers. For the salvation of others.
  • Go and make disciples of all nations. Go on a Mission Trip.
  • Share your story with others you come in contact with during the day. Tell others how you came to know Christ and how your life has changed.
  • Teach others God's Word.
God is Holy Tract

The God is Holy tract is a simple to understand way to lead someone to salvation.  Remember, a simple invitation to come to church with you is all it might take to bring someone to know the Lord. Invite someone this Sunday.

God is hOly in English

God is Holy in Spanish

Hey Kids - God is Holy in English

Personal Evangelism Training Workshops

Church-wide workshops on how to share the gospel. 

Pastor Brett will lead Evangelism Training Workshops from 4-6:00 p.m. in the Forum. Come learn how to share the gospel clearly and effectively using the God is Holy tract.  

  • Sunday, Nov. 3, 4-6:00 pm in the Forum

We need everyone who is available to join us for Door 2 Door Evangelism.  Teams will distribute Outreach Cards and witness using the God is Holy tracts.  Meet in the Forum at 8:00 a.m. for coffee and donuts, then go out and help us reach our community for Christ! 

If you are physically unable to go door to door with us but are still available that day, please join us to staff our call bank. We call new visitors to FBCF over the last few months during the same time others are going door to door. 

Dates: Saturdays from 8:00 - 11:30 a.m.

  • Saturday, Nov 9: Door to Door Evangelism
  • Saturday, Dec. 14: Door to Door Christmas Eve Blitz
new believers workshop

You have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You have been baptized, now what?  The next step is to come to our New Believers Workshop led by Pastor Aaron Scarbrough, Pastor to Adults. Pastor Aaron will take you through an overview of spiritual disciplines for the Christian life. 

  • Next date TBA

Lunch and reserved childcare are provided. Please register below:

Bible REading Plans

Reading the Bible regularly will help you grow in your faith and hear from God.  The Bible contains God’s Word which feeds us, instructs us and give us power to overcome life’s adversities. The following details five Bible reading plans for the year. Please choose from one of these plans and commit to reading God’s Word this upcoming year!

Click here to download 2024 reading plans

spiritual gifts survey

Discovering and exercising your God-given spiritual gifts allows you to experience maximum fulfillment with minimum frustration in your Christian life and ministry. Click below to take a Spiritual Gifts Survey.

Spiritual Gifts Survey