Sports & Fitness Center

Welcome to our Sports and Fitness Center. Our center is open to everyone in the community!

Contact Information: 972-564-3357 x 201

Court Schedules

Note: The court in Gym 2 is reserved every Monday and Friday, 10:50 a.m.-12:15 p.m. for FBCF Christian School.

Click here for March Court Schedule

Click here for April Court Calendar

Membership Includes

  • Indoor Walking/Jogging track that encircles both gyms and more
  • Cardio Machines with individual screens – Ellipticals, Treadmills, Recumbent Bikes, and more
  • Nautilus weight machines
  • Designated free-weight rooms
  • Aerobics/Yoga Room with full body rowing machines
  • Access to two basketball courts when not being used for church or league activity
  • Televisions in each workout room
  • Locker Rooms with showers
  • Dress code enforced for family atmosphere

To join, stop by the Fitness Center Desk.


5:30 am - 9:00 pm

5:30 am - 6:00 pm
Courts close half an hour early.

7:00 am - 4:00 pm
Courts close half an hour early.



$10 Full access day pass
$5 Pickleball only day pass


$15 One-time Membership Fee (includes key fob)

Individual 15 years of age to 59
$25 a month if pay monthly
$270 if pay annually (Savings of $30)

Individual 60 years of age to 69
$10 a month if pay monthly
$100 if pay annually (Savings of $20)

Individual 70 years of age +
Free: No monthly or annual fee

Husband and Wife up to age 59
$45 a month if pay monthly
$495 if pay annually (Savings of $45)

Family *
$65 a month if pay monthly
$700 if pay annually (Savings of $80)

Full access Day Passes: $10 
Pickleball Only Passes: $5

* Note: Defined as husband + wife + dependent children (under age 22 and living at home in the same house)

You must be a member of FBC Forney to receive these rates. The process to become a member can be found at Contact the Church Office at 972.564.3357 if you have a membership question.


$15 One-time Membership Fee (includes key fob)

Individual 15 years of age to 59
$30 a month if pay monthly
$330 if pay annually (Savings of $30)

Individual 60 years of age +
$20 a month if pay monthly
$200 if pay annually (Savings of $40)

Husband and Wife up to age 59
$50 a month if pay monthly
$550 if pay annually (Savings of $50)

Family *
$70 a month if pay monthly
$770 if pay annually (Savings of $70)

* Note: Defined as husband + wife + dependent children (under age 22 and living at home in the same house)

Cancellation policy requires notice 7 days prior to the billing date.

Membership rates are plus tax and are billed monthly until canceled. The cancellation policy is notice 7 days prior to billing.

Group fitness classes

Group Fitness Classes are not included with membership and are subject to a separate fee. See the Fitness Center Desk for the latest offerings.


Mon, Wed, Fri: 8-9:00a
Sat: 8:00a in the CEC (Jan. - May)
Tue & Thurs: 6:00 -7:00p in the CEC

Details including pricing at or email

Silver Sneakers Fitness for Sr. Adults

Taught by Flisha Stewart:  214-499-1564.  

WHEN: M, W & F from 10:00 - 10:45 a.m. in the gym. Chairs and modifications provided.
: FREE For Silver Sneakers & Renew Active members: $25 a month or $3 per class for non-members.  
CONTACT: Flisha at 214-499-1564 to sign up or drop in during class times.

Living well past retirement is a blessing.  A great part of this is having a fit lifestyle as an active older adult.  This class offers fun fitness activities to increase stamina, endurance, strength, balance and range of motion.  Come work out and fellowship with other older active adults. Classes are 45 min.  Low to medium impact.  Modifications to exercises will be provided. 


MEMBERS AND GUESTS entering the First Baptist Forney Sports and Fitness Center (FBFSFC) are expected to act, speak, and behave in a Christ-like manner.

A dress code is in effect (SEE DRESS CODE).

No food is allowed upstairs in the exercise areas.

Return all weights to their proper place after use.  Never leave weights lying on the floor.

The use of tobacco, e-cigarettes or vapes will not be allowed at the First Baptist Forney Sports and Fitness Center.

Equipment must be used for the specific purpose for which it was designed.

All equipment must be returned to the desk after use.

There will be no soliciting at the First Baptist Forney Sports and Fitness Center.

Only FBFSFC staff members are allowed behind the welcome desk.

No Personal Trainers allowed except those employed by the FBFSFC. This includes sport training such as basketball or volleyball coaches.

If any piece of equipment is working improperly, please report it immediately to the FBFSFC staff.

Use of foul language will not be tolerated.  “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Ephesians 4:29

Visit the Fitness Center desk for a complete list of rules and regulations. 


The FBFSFC staff will be responsible for the enforcement and interpretation of all policies and rules.

Infractions of the policies, rules, or regulations may be handled in one of the following ways;

  • Warning and explanation of the rules
  • Suspension of privileges
  • Notification of parents (high school and below)
  • Major infractions will be handled on an individual basis by the Manager of the FBFSFC.
Dress Code

Modest, appropriate attire must be worn at all times. Please use discretion and sensitivity about the exercise attire worn in the FBFSFC:

  • Shorts should be a modest length. Leggings should be worn with appropriate length shirts.
  • Low cut shirts, tops, etc. with plunging necklines, are not allowed. The midriff must be covered.
  • Men must keep shirts on at all times. 
  • T-shirts with questionable slogans or signs are prohibited (Including the alcohol industry). 
  • Athletic shoes must be worn at all times when using the weight or cardio equipment.
  • Shoes with non-marking soles must be worn on the basketball courts.

First Baptist Forney Sports and Fitness Center reserves the right to determine the acceptability of all exercise attire.