Prayer and Fasting
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House of Prayer
We want our church family’s activity of first importance to be fasting and praying together because we desire the manifest presence of the Lord in our hearts, homes, and church. (1 Timothy 2:1) One of our four core values is “The Spirit leads”.
Bible Teaching on prayer, fasting, the filling of the Holy Spirit, and the manifest presence of God
- Prayer and fasting are the activity of first importance in a church family – Click here to view Pastor Nathan's sermon from 1 Tim 2:1-2.
- The sealing vs. the filling of the Holy Spirit – Click here to view Pastor Nathan's sermon from Ephesians and his personal testimony.
- Fasting – Click here to watch Pastor Nathan's sermon Matt. 6:16-18.
- The manifest presence of God, part 1 – Click here to watch Pastor Nathan's sermon on James 4:8-10.
- The manifest presence of God, part 2 – Click here to watch Pastor Nathan's sermon on John 14, Acts 1-2, Eph. 3:14-21
Tuesday Evening Prayer Service
This is the primary gathering of our church family to seek the presence of the Lord. On any given Tuesday night, 300-500 believers are led by one of our pastors through a guided prayer service designed to seek the manifested presence of God. Frequently, there is an undeniable presence of the Lord and we see the Lord perform a wide range of miracles. All are welcome in this prayer service – church members and non-members, followers of Jesus and non-followers of Jesus.
Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m., in The Forum. We will meet all 52 Tuesdays of the year!
The Preparation
This is where we make final preparations for our Sunday worship services to be filled with the presence of the Lord. Before gathering with his disciples for the Passover, Jesus asked some of his disciples to go ahead of him and the rest of his disciples to prepare the occasion for the Passover Lamb to be served. (Matthew 26:16-19) Every Sunday morning, our ultimate desire is that we 21st Century disciples still meet with and are still fed by the Lamb of God Himself. If you are willing and able, would you go ahead of Jesus and the rest of our disciples to prepare our worship services to be filled with the presence of the Lord by prayer walking the worship center? At the front of the stage, you will find a printed guide to lead you through a prayer walk. On any given Sunday, you will find 25-30 other disciples prayer walking the worship center.
Sundays, 8:15-9:00 a.m., in the worship center (Come and go).
Click here for an e-version of The Preparation Guide
Breakthrough: A Three Hour Prayer Service
This is an occasional, three hour prayer service designed to find even greater breakthrough in our seeking of the Lord Himself and in matters pertaining to our church and personal lives. Jesus led his disciples into a three hour prayer service in the Garden of Gethsemane. (Matthew 26:36-45) It is curious that the Bible records the detail of the length of the prayer service – the matter over which Jesus needed breakthrough from the Father took three hours of seeking. Simply put, breakthrough from the Father in some matters requires longer periods of seeking than others. From time to time, Jesus calls our church family into a three hour prayer service to find breakthrough in particular matters. These guided prayer services are led by our pastors.
All Nighter: An All Night Prayer Service
Throughout the Bible, we find a pattern of God’s people praying all night. Here are just a few examples: Jacob wrestled with Jesus all night over his need for reconciliation of a broken relationship (Genesis 32:22-32), Samuel prayed all night out of frustration after a terrible decision was made (1 Samuel 15:11), David fasted and prayed all night out of grieving and intercession for the medical condition of a loved one (2 Samuel 21:16), God through Joel calls for all night prayer of repentance when God withholds his presence and provision from us (Joel 1:13), Jesus prayed all night before making leadership decisions (Luke 6:12), the early church gathered to pray all night for open doors and deliverance of loved ones from bondage (Acts 12:5-17). As was God’s pattern throughout the Bible, God still leads his people on occasion to seek him all night. It is far easier to pray all night with one’s church family than it is to do so alone – as flock animals, we as sheep draw strength from the flock. These guided prayer services are led by our pastors.
Corporate Fasts
Fasting is the pathway to the deepest personal intimacy available with Christ. We encourage our members to fast personally when prompted by the Holy Spirit. Our church family fasts together when our pastors sense the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Our corporate fasts can last anywhere from 1- 21 days.
If you are unfamiliar with biblical fasting, we invite you to grab your Bible and watch the sermon about the basics of fasting from Pastor Nathan that you can find in the “Bible teaching” section on this page.
In terms of eating plans, each individual participant should decide for themselves how to fast. We should each take into account our personal medical condition, physical fitness, season of life, and the maturity of our faith. For example, someone might skip one meal and spend that meal time meeting with the Lord in prayer and Bible reading. Another person might skip two or three meals at a time. Yet another person might choose a Daniel Fast and only eat fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Whatever eating plan you choose, don’t forget to drink lots water.
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